I Wouldn't Like Me If I Met Me
I'm gonna try this bloggy blog thing again. Realize (if you are reading) this that I will eventually fall off the planet again. I'm not good at following up on things. I mean.... look at this blog. Before this post here, my last update was over two years ago. Two YEARS! I suck at life...I'm not gonna bore you with what I've done for the past two years. I can easily sum it up with the word nothing.
To help me in keeping this new blog going, I'm gonna use it to comment on all things pop culture. Little bites here and there. Because honestly.... you couldn't give a shit about my life. How could you? Even I don't. So check back and enjoy in the goodies. The little treats that I can give you. MP3s.... videos... stuff like that.
So stick around. See if you like the new digs...
-- nate